How To Dumbbell Close Press

Dumbbell Close Press Preformed by Moziahpinder

Dumbbell Close Press
  • Start off laying with back on a flat bench, feet in front of you and holding a dumbbell in each hand elevated above your chest.
  • Slowly lower the dumbbells to your chest, keeping them close together, without touching and hold for a count.
  • Return back to the starting position.
  • Repeat for as many reps and sets as desired.

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How To Reverse Fly with Dumbbells

Reverse Fly with Dumbbells Preformed by TrainerKelli

Reverse Fly with Dumbbells

Reverse Fly with Dumbbells

  • Grab a pair of dumbbells and stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent.
  • Hinge forward at the hips and let your arms hang straight down from your shoulders, palms facing your body.
  • Raise both arms out to the sides as you squeeze your shoulder blades together.
  • Return to start.
  • That’s one rep.

Dumbbell Double Row Half Burpee

Dumbbell Double Row Half Burpee Preformed by TrainerKelli

Dumbbell Double Row Half Burpee Best Dumbbell Workouts

How To Dumbbell Front Fly

Dumbbell Front Fly Preformed by TrainerKelli

Dumbbell Front Fly - Best Dumbbell Workouts

Dumbell Front Fly

  • Hold dumbell by your sides with palms facing forward.
  • Bring the dumbbells up to chest level making their sides touch.
  • Lower back down.

How To Dumbbell Single Leg Pullover Bridges

Dumbbell Single Leg Pullover Bridges Preformed by TrainerKelli

Single leg Pullover bridges trainer kelli

Dumbbell Single Leg Pullover Bridge 

  • Grab a dumbbell and lay down on the ground.
  • Plant one of your feet firmly on the ground and lift your opposite leg in the air, bending your knee at a 90-degree angle, forming a bridge position.
  • Once you’ve balanced yourself in the bridge,  with both hands  extend your arms above your chest. Keep your arms straight, reach the weight to the floor and lift in a controlled motion back up to the starting position.
  • That’s 1 rep.
  • This exercise works your core, lats, and glutes. 

11 Popular Fitness Myths Debunked! by Jose Antonio, PhD


Are high-protein diets and creatine bad for you? What really causes muscle soreness? Is there such a thing as the “anabolic window?” Get the low down on some of the common misconceptions about getting fit.

With all the health, fitness, and nutrition information you could ever possibly need just a Google search away, it’s amazing that there are still so many myths about what goes on in your body and your mind in pursuit of better health. Too often, though, more information leads to more confusion, not less.

Jose Antonio, PhD, CEO of the International Society Sports Nutrition and a researcher at Nova Southeastern University in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, puts the following common misconceptions to rest. RIP, bro science.

| 11 Popular Fitness Myths Debunked |

1. High-Protein Diets Are Bad For Your Kidneys: The recommended daily allowance (RDA) for protein is 0.8 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight. In contrast, here at Nova Southeastern, we have data showing that if you’re a trained male bodybuilder and consume 3.3 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day (four times the RDA), you’ll experience no harmful effects to your kidneys, liver, or blood lipids.

2. High-Protein Diets Leach Calcium From Your Bones: This myth about high-protein diets says that consuming too much of it can make your bones brittle and weak. We have done studies up to six months in length that looked at the effect on the bones of women who consumed 2.5-3.0 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight (about three times the RDA). We found no decrease in bone health. In fact, the data suggested that if women eat a high-protein diet, they may increase their lumbar bone-mineral density.

3. Muscle Soreness Is Caused By A Buildup Of Lactic Acid: You might have heard a massage therapist saying, “Today, I’m going to massage the lactic acid out of your muscles so you won’t be sore.” Sorry to burst their bubble, but lactic acid, aka lactate, has nothing to do with delayed-onset muscle soreness. DOMS is primarily caused by doing eccentric loading or negatives, or by doing exercises that tax your muscles in new ways. In either case, the soreness comes from micro tears in your muscle fibers.

Lactate isn’t a metabolic poison and it doesn’t cause soreness. In fact, it’s a fuel source used by your heart, brain, muscles, and kidneys.

4. You Lose More Fat By Decreasing Fats…Or Carbohydrates
5. Taking Creatine Causes Cramps And Dehydration
6. Women Who Strength-Train Get Big And Bulky
7. Artificial Sweeteners Are Bad For You
8. It Doesn’t Matter How Much You Eat, As Long As You Eat “Good Food”
9. You Have A Few Hours After Your Workout To Get Your Protein
10. Caffeine Is A Diuretic Agent That Can Lead To Dehydration
11. The Best Way To Lose Body Fat Or Weight Is Through Exercise

@sovigor ‘s Full Body Dumbell Workout

Full Body Friday! ❤️ I often get asked if the workouts I share are my whole workout or do I add anything else along with it. It certainly depends on the day BUT my full workouts are in my 12 week workout guide which will be 40% off for Black Friday! It’s the exact program I follow & will be the best sale I’ll over so take advantage & go get it😀. You can do it entirely at home or the gym. Link in my bio to check it out. Love all of you & enjoy your Friday!

✖️Raises into Press
✖️Squat Raise
✖️Squat SA Raise
✖️Bent Over Row Into Upright Row

 @sovigor 's Full Body Dumbell Workout

 @sovigor 's Full Body Dumbell Workout

 @sovigor 's Full Body Dumbell Workout

 @sovigor 's Full Body Dumbell Workout

See Original Post >>>

@laviephysique Bigger Glutes Dumbbell Workout

laviephysique Booty🍑
Okayyyy here we go! Here’s my favorite glutes workout to help you keep your booty gains while working out at home. Be sure to do glutes activation exercises before starting this workout, especially if you have a hard time feeling the glutes working. You’ll feel the burn so much more 🔥
3 sets 15 reps ( each side where it applies )
@Folksfit Bigger Glutes Dumbbell Workout 5
@Folksfit Bigger Glutes Dumbbell Workout 5
@Folksfit Bigger Glutes Dumbbell Workout 5

How to Create Custom Workout Optimal for Your Fitness Goals by Kaa Yaa


In this video we describe how to create a custom workout based on your fitness goals. Most of us usually have one of the four goals when we start a strength-training program, these are

1. Gain Mass

2. Get Lean

3. Build Strength

4. Sports Performance


Let us get into the details on how we can design a workout optimal for each of these fitness goals

Build Mass: This type of workout is optimized for muscle growth. Compound movements provide better stimulus for muscle growth, although isolation exercises may also be used to target a specific muscle group for aesthetic purposes. Generally the goal here is to take the muscle to failure and not to lift maximal weight. This can be achieved by lifting moderate weights over moderate rep ranges. Ideal rep range is between 6-12 reps per set. Rest between sets should be 60s-120s for compound movements and 30-90s for isolation. Generally compound exercise must be performed at lower rep ranges (6-8) while isolation exercises should have higher reps (8-12). Compound exercises mostly should be performed before the isolation exercises.

Get Lean: This type of workout is optimized for fat loss while maintaining muscle mass. To lose fat we need to burn more calories, since compound movements engage more muscles they burn more calories and are preferred. An optimal fat loss program is the one with high reps ranges 10-30 reps/set. Generally the rest between sets must be minimized to provide best results. Also, the faster and more explosively the workout is performed, higher will be the calories burnt. Most often the strength training is performed in the form of HIIT or cardio strength training, where an exercise is performed fast and explosively for certain period of time followed by a short rest and then the cycle is repeated. Steady state cardio should also be incorporated on rest days to optimize the fat loss.

Build Strength: This type of workout is optimized to increase your ability to lift heavy weights. Compound movements are a must for this goal. The focus should be on the three big lifts bench press, squat and deadlift. The target should be to lift as heavy as you can near your 1 rep max. For such a goal ideal workout is the one with low reps (2-5 reps per set) and long breaks (2-5 minutes) in between the sets. Since the weights lifted a near maximum, the muscles must be give given atleast 72 hours of rest in between.

Athletic Performance: This type of workout is optimized for power production, that is, how quickly can we move the weight? Explosive movements such as Olympic lifts or plyometrics should be included in such a workout. Usually the athletes who do sports training are looking for a balance between strength and endurance hence the rep ranges generally are similar as that of building mass 6-12 per set. The approach followed is that of periodization where a certain period of time is dedicated for building base strength and power for the sport. As the athlete gets closer to the event the training is shifted more towards the sports performance while strength training decreased to sustaining levels. This way the athlete just maintains their strength gains, while honing their sports skills. So there you have it, the difference in the workouts program for different fitness goals. In next weeks video we will talk about somatotype or how the training should change based on an individual’s body type.

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Extreme Dumbbell Core Workout By @georgebamfojr

Words from @georgebamfojr Incorporating weights in your ab training provides the necessary overload needed to grow your 6pack and it also makes your abs pop out more.

Ab Routine: ⁣
(Complete 3 sets of each exercise for 30 seconds)⁣

Extreme Dumbell Core Workout By @georgebamfojr

Extreme Dumbell Core Workout By @georgebamfojr

Extreme Dumbell Core Workout By @georgebamfojr

Extreme Dumbell Core Workout By @georgebamfojr