Dumbbell Chest Triceps & Shoulders Workout with ACHV PEAK

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IO6eWF9I8zY[/embedyt]

• 9 total exercises performed one at a time
• 3 sets of each exercise
• 40 sec on // 20 sec off // 40 sec Ext Breaks

1. Push Up / Push Up on DBs
2. Lying Decline Press
3. Decline Press
4. Alternating Crossovers
5. Overhead Tricep Ext
6. Shoulder Press
7. Skull Crushers
8. Lateral Raises

Dumbbell Leg Workout Targeting Glutes, Quads, & Hamstrings Workout with ACHV PEAK

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Dxid2zm8io[/embedyt]


1. Alternating Lateral Lunges

2. RDLS – No Hip Ext

3. Front Squats

4. Lying Hamstring Curls

5. Sumo Squats

6. Glute Bridges

7. Static Lunges

8. Quick Hex Squat

The BEST Dumbbell Exercises – CHEST EDITION! by ATHLEAN-X™

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7bo3RaOEL8g[/embedyt]

The BEST Dumbbell Exercises To Work Your Chest!

In today’s video we look at the best dumbbell exercises for chest. We’re going to focus on several areas of training: from strength, to power as well as hypertrophy and a few others you’d expect along with the best way to train adduction of the chest muscles.

First we cover strength. The key here is that we actually have two non-dumbbell exercises that have their own benefits and those are the bench press and the weighted dip. While both are fantastic moves for building bigger pecs (as well as shoulders and triceps) there is a unique advantage that the dip has when you convert it to a dumbbell only option that the bench press lacks, and that is maintained stability and better carryover of the load.

Since strength training should be focused on safely lifting heavier and adhering to progressive overload you do not want to not have to sacrifice shoulder stability if you can avoid it. When moving to the dumbbell version of the bench press you will often find that your shoulder instability from holding separate dumbbells is going to undercut your overall strength to a much greater degree than what would happen with a dip. Strap a dumbbell up to a dip belt and keep pushing the heavy loads that are already additive to the weight of your own body.

Next we focus on power. The element of speed is critical to maximizing the effect of power training for our chest. Here as well, you want to try and find a way that you can release the load during the repetition to realize true power development. If you chose a dumbbell bench press and opted to accelerate the weight as fast as possible you would find that your body actually inherently slows the weight down as you approach full extension as a protective mechanism for the joints and to prepare for the next rep.

Performing an explosive plyo tap pushup allows you to fully express your power by accelerating through the rep, unhindered by the length of your arm as in the bench press.

For hypertrophy you want to explore eccentric muscle damage. The best way to do this is with the floor fly. Pick up a pair of dumbbells and press them to the top as you would with a normal bench press. Then slowly lower them as in a fly, concentrating on the eccentric lowering of the weights to put the stress on the pecs. Because you can cheat the rep to the top and don’t have to worry about the health of your shoulder because of the floor, you can actually use heavier than normal weight here to maximize the muscle growth effect even more.

We always want to keep an eye on the correctives on this channel as well. In the case of the chest you can use your dumbbells as a method of lightly overweighting a chest stretch. Here we want to stretch the pec minor, which is a muscle that can get tight and pull your shoulders up and forward which ruins your posture and shoulder integrity when it does. Lie on a foam roller and place your arms in the position shown with the dumbbells in your hand to get a nice stretch on the pec minor and prevent tightness from occurring.

Included are a few other exercises to emphasize adduction of the arm with dumbbells, which we know is a key function of the chest that doesn’t get hit with just bench press, pushups and dips. Also, a total body option that reinforces the mechanics of the thoracic spine that has carryover to other areas of our training as well.

Give these exercises a shot whenever you don’t have access to the standard barbell moves or just want to an extra challenge. If you are looking for a complete program that will help you to not only build strong, muscular shoulders but also develop a complete athletic body, be sure to hit the link below and grab one of the ATHLEAN-X Training Systems.

Full Body Dumbbell Routine by Buff Dudes Workouts

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JaGXf8U3FRg[/embedyt]
Full Body:
Squat Jumps (weighted) 4 Sets x 8 Reps
Incline “high row” 4 Sets x 8 Reps
Twisting Incline Press 4 Sets x 8 Reps
Push Press 4 Sets x 8 Reps

Single Arm French Press 3 Sets x 10 Reps
Concentration Curls 3 Sets x 10 Reps

Weighted Crunches 3 Sets x 15 Reps

Note: In this second phase you’ll notice it’s titled “full body plus”. That’s because it’s introducing isolation movements to further the involvement of the smaller muscle groups while still focusing on the compound exercises. We’ll also be increasing the days you’ll be lifting. Making the compound movements slightly more complicated or difficult to further the overload on your body and sparking the adaptation process so you can continue seeing results.

{before each workout}
Jump Rope Warm Up: 5 minutes
Mobility Drills: 10 – 15 minutes
Rest Times Between Sets: 60 – 90 seconds

Caroline Girvan’s 30 Minute Dumbbell Full Body Workout

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GViX8riaHX4[/embedyt]

This is a follow along 30 minute full body dumbbell workout that will target every muscle group with compound movement to help you become stronger, build lean muscle, burn energy for hours after completing and basically leave you feeling awesome!!

The exercises are performed for 30 seconds each, 30 seconds rest. The exercises are performed for 3 sets each.

The weight I am using is 15kg x 2 dumbbells for your reference. So yes, as heavy as you have access to and slow paced, controlled and full range of motion. If you have lighter weights than you would prefer, simply perform more reps than me and at a slightly faster pac


I would just like to point out the following key points to this workout:

● Be sure to switch leg on lunges every set and switch arm on rows every set!

● With the single arm rows, try to stretch upper middle back by taking it slow at bottom to let muscles lengthen then draw elbow up. Switch arm every set!

● I am performing the shoulder press with one dumbbell as well as Sumo deadlift, however if your weights are lighter than you wish, simply perform with both dumbbells!

● Make sure during Romanian deadlifts to keep shoulder blades together, knees slightly bent, push bum back and keep head in line with torso as it lowers!

I hope you all enjoy this strength training and really allow yourself to feel each contraction!

I would consider this strength workout a super workout to progress in weight over time! I would definitely suggest this type of full body workout with dumbbells once a week if you really are wanting to increase muscle, along with bodyweight sessions and isolation sessions as such shoulders, glutes etc. Overtime, aiming to increase reps then move up in weights!💪

And don’t forget.. plank 2 minutes at the end!!🤩

Happy training!!


Best Dumbbell Leg Exercises (AT HOME WORKOUT!) by Ryan Humiston

[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qPUg11v8k9c[/embedyt]

Stuck at home and still need to hit those legs? I’ve got you covered, we’re going all-in on at-home workouts with dumbbells, body weight, and bands but today we’re starting with a DB leg workout.

If you’re curious about sets and reps:
-Static Lunges: 3 sets / 20 reps (each)
-Dumbbell Front Squat: 2 sets / 20 reps & one completely awful fail at 12 set
-Sumo Squat: 3 sets / 30 reps
-Stiff Leg Deadlifts/Romanian (for you people that care about the technical -definition: 3 sets / 10 slow reps
-Reverse Lunges: 3 sets / 15 reps (each)